Escalade festival
December 6th to 8th, 2019
Every year for more than four centuries, Geneva Old Town has been celebrating the victory of the citizens of Geneva against the troops of the Duke of Savoy during a famous battle on the night of December 11-12, 1602. Stroll through the busy streets with the sound of cannon fire, muskets and fanfares – take part in the many activities and attractions (introduction to the handling of the sword, handling of spades) and attend the closing procession with more than 800 participants in costumes as well as horses.
Important: During this weekend of festivities, the access to the Old Town by car will be very restricted and some access roads will be closed to traffic making access to our house more difficult than usual.
Do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you to join us!
Tel. : +41 22 818 71 72
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